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Full resume

Name: Dr.Eskandari


Complete explanations:

Gender: Male
Description of Doctor
Educational Qualifications:

Degree University Name , Country (Start Date – End Date)
Doctorate of dentistry Islamic Azad University, Dentistry division Tehran, Iran Sep.1998 – jan.2005


(Start Date – End Date) Job Title Institution Name , Country
jan 2017 till now DDS Own medical clinic, Ramyar specialized Dental Clinic, Iran
Feb.2013 to Mar.2017 Owner and Technical manager Mehr-e-Parseh Dental Clinic, Tehran, Iran
Mar.2008 to Feb.2013 Dentist Farvardin Dental Clinic, Tehran-Iran
Apr.2007 to Mar.2008 Dentist Prof.Safaeyan Special Health Clinic & Talaeeye Health Clinic
Jan.2005 to Apr.2007 Chief Manager Shahrood Medical Center, Shahrood, Iran


License title, Authority Name Inclusive Years
License to open a clinic 2005

Training Courses:

Country Course Name
iran Advanced Implantology In Dentistry by Implant Academy
Iran Aesthetic Dentistry by Iranian Dental Institute


Authors, title. Journal. Date; volume: page
Study at prevalence of oral lichen planuce in Hepatitis B viral infected patient- 2005
Translate Burket Oral Medicine (Diagnostic & Treatment),ed.2004, chapter 11